Saturday, December 21, 2013


      I think it is possible that Christmas raises more questions that it answers. Questions like: What are we going to do about Christmas? Now that God has come, how will we live from this day for the rest of our lives? When the excitement, and maybe even the anxiety of Christmas is over, what are we left holding in our hands and in our heart?

      I believe Christmas is all about love, and the grace that love creates. God brought us the gift of grace, undeserving forgiveness, and the opportunity for each of us to live a holy life. So we celebrate God appearing with grace, and that great gift requires a response from each of us, answers to questions. God could have sat on his throne in his glory while we struggled, but he gave up his glory and came to visit us. God could have been only almighty and powerful, but he decided to be also all-loving and available, stooping to address our needs and our humanity. God could have judged and condemned us for our sin without mercy, but he forgave us and made possible a holy life. God could have turned away from us, for we as sinners deserved it, but instead he turned toward us because we could not come to him. God’s grace made all this possible.

      Paul makes it very clear in Titus 2:11-14 that because God has appeared among us in the person of Jesus, that he brings with him grace, forgiveness, and mercy. The announcement that Jesus has come never grows old because it is the “good news” that has changed the course of history, tilted the world on its spiritual axis, and transformed the hearts of those who believe. And because of the power of the story of Jesus’ birth, we are required to respond. Even though we do not really understand what happen that night, we must answer the question, “What difference does Christmas really make in my life?”

      We must realize that God did not send his grace into a “Christmas card” perfect world. Jesus came into an ugly world, filled with chaos, sin, and needy people. He came with his grace to fix the problem of sin. And so, we continue to celebrate Christmas because the chaos and darkness still exists in the lives of so many of us. But God has filled this world with his grace, therefore, we need to hear the Christmas story once again, the story of hope, the story of transformation.

      I think the coming of Jesus presents a great challenge to anyone determined to live a Christian life. The great challenge is to never separate the gift of grace, forgiveness, and salvation from the call of discipleship. God not only rescues us from a sinful life, but then calls us to live differently, and to actively pursue a holy life. Salvation does not end with receiving forgiveness, that is only the beginning.

      So we are back to the same questions. What does Christmas really mean to me? Should it mean something different than it does? Am I any different because Jesus came?

Howard Thurman wrote a poem entitled “The Work of Christmas.”

"When the song of the angels is stilled, When the star in the sky is gone,

When the kings and princes are home, When the shepherds are back with their flock,

the work of Christmas begins: To find the lost, To heal the broken, To feed the hungry,

To release the prisoner, To rebuild the nations, To bring peace among brothers and sisters,

To make music in the heart."

       Christmas is for the needy; those who have realized the need for grace, forgiveness, and change in the way life is lived. Christmas is for those who need someone besides themselves; that someone is Jesus and he brings salvation and holy living. Grace has indeed appeared!

Rev Tim McConnell, Long’s Chapel UMC, December 22, 2013


  1. Love this post, however I do believe each reference of God and Jesus should be capitalize, like the pronoun - He and His. Thanks again for sharing this awesome post about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

    Merry CHRISTmas.

  2. Thank you, understand the true meaning of Christmas. Pray and hope that more people will come to know of Jesus Christ and be saved. Blessed be to God.
